Updated BlackBerry Messenger Tips. Some BlackBerry users worried about losing a contact in BlackBerry Messenger service when they offer their fuel to upgrade to version 5.0. Example beta version.
For those of you who do not want to take the risk, here are some tips that may be considered if you improve:
Backup contacts list
Although the list of contacts from the BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) Not to be missed, make it more secure, backup your contact list before running Setup. If you happen to lose, then you can still go back to restore files from backups.
Consider the configuration options
What tends to happen after the installation of a leak in the BlackBerry icon. This is because the user does not select the application installer v5.0 fuel in accordance with the type of instrument. For example, the installation of fuel facilities Curve Bold version.
For those of you who contacted missing after an upgrade because of lack of fuel v5.0 download (not discharge), the following tips that may help:
1. Once you know that the notification "Download Failed" not in a hurry to reboot your BlackBerry. Contact immediately via PC or laptop, and entered into the BlackBerry Desktop Manager.
2. After the reading from your BlackBerry PIN code, the search menu backup and then backup data from your BlackBerry, including important contact numbers. Wait until the output message "success".
3. After the backup data, back to the BlackBerry Desktop Manager. Please repeat the disposal of fuel to 5 on Blackberry success. And, do not restart your BlackBerry before the success or lost contact.
4. After a successful, make sure you fuel your contacts are still there or not, if it is gone, reconnect the BlackBerry to your PC or laptop.
5. Running the BlackBerry Desktop Manager. After the PIN BlackBerry Desktop Manager reads, immediately to the Restore menu.
6. Specify the name of the backup file that you saved earlier answer, and then open the file. Then click OK and then click OK or Restrore. Wait until finished. After that, the contact will be back as before.